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2007 Q1
March 29, 2007
This News is Surge-o-Rific! Strikes on Baghdad's Green Zone on the Rise It would seem John McCain is totally full of shit when he says Americans can stroll safely in parts of Baghdad. They apparently need body armor and helmets to stroll the Green Zone: Wednesday morning, embassy personnel received a bulletin citing the "recent increase of indirect fire attacks on the embassy compound." It included strict instructions: Body armor and helmets would now be required for all "outdoor activities" within the sprawling embassy complex, even short walks to the cafeteria. There would be no group gatherings outside, including at the famed Palace Pool. No "nonessential" visitors would be allowed in the compound. ------- Why AG Jeans Are A Beautiful Thing Magnificent Bastard - Sneak Peek In the words of Mussolini: "It is better to have lived one day as a lion than one thousand days as a sheep." In spite of his thing for fascism, I couldn't agree more. ------- Target-Proof Clothing
GQ Totally Out To Lunch - Part 1
GQ Totally Out To Lunch - Part 2
Kudos to GQ for One Thing A very funny piece about what it means to cheat. One poor rationalizing bastard had this rule: "If you shoot a load in your pants, that's not cheating; if you blow your load out of your pants, that's cheating." March 21, 2007Director of 40 Year-Old Virgin Goin' All Chick-Flick-y On Our Ass
Houses cheaper than cars in Detroit ------- I went to the Christina Aguilera concert last night, and here's the story: The girls with the made-up name are essentially like watching low-rent hookers in high heels trying to sing and dance. It was so awful we had to wait outside. If Danity Kane are hookers singing, then The Pussycat Dolls are strippers singing. Seriously, this is only one small notch above rotating on a pole somewhere. C. Aguilera has to be one of the greatest brand transformations in brand transformation history. That dirrty girl is gone and there's some kind of blond-haired Billie Holliday/Diana Ross/Madonna mutant that can really sing. Her concert is like watching a highly-produced Broadway show, except it doesn't suck. By my count there were 11 costume changes, 9 big-band members, 8 freaky-good dancers, 3 backup singers ... which added up to one very good show. March 19, 2007The weblog has been a little slack lately because I've been working on a site design for the forthcoming men's weblog (mlog?) at www.magnificentbastard.com. I've been working with John Mamus, currently the creative director at Fila, and it's been a fun process. I'm not sure when The Bastard will launch, but it will be Magnificent. March 15, 2007In The Bag: Green Adidas Halfshells, via YOOX. $70.00. And also In The Bag: Kowalski sneakers, via YOOX. $90.00. March 14, 2007
Lemme just say, this sounds like the dumbest goddamn idea in the history of man-woman relations. Do you *really* want to watch Monday Night Football with your wife? I'll answer that question for you: Hell no! You want to watch Monday Night Football with your mates, chugging beer and screaming obscenities at the TV in between ogling younger, thong-wearing women damn near 20 years your junior. To eharmony and anyone else who wants a long-term, successful, loving relationship: SEPARATE INTERESTS is the key. You like golf; she's never picked up a golf club in her life. She does yoga; you can't even sit Indian style without rushing to Urgent Care. You like LCD Soundsystem; she likes Nora Jones. You get the idea. This, dear readers, is the secret to true love. And if not true love, at least a relationship that doesn't require hospitalization. March 12, 2007Amateur Hour at the Washington Post
($100 says the dack.com drinking team could drink the WaPo drinking team under the table. Before dinner.) ------- Opening for Christina Aguilera next Monday night: The fucking Pussycat Dolls! March 9, 2007Before you even pop the Borat! DVD into the player, you're hit with the funny. (Though not quite as funny as Borat masturbating in front of the window display at Victoria's Secret in midtown Manhattan.) "Box quote" from local Kazakh moviefilm critic. Borat DVD, pirated straight from Kazakhstan. March 7, 2007The Official Extreme Schadenfreude Poster Boys
dack.com Department of Apologies
------- And here's another beautiful pair: Owner's suite, bitches! March 5, 2007The cockles of my heart were set ablaze over the weekend after reading this in the Financial Times: Yellow ribbons dwindle with war support Ha! I swear I see more ironic displays of Baby on Board window signs than ribbon magnets these days. ------- We've all heard about pre-emptive war. Here's to pre-emptive bumper stickers: ------- dack.com Taking it to the Next Level In The Bag: JUNYA WATANABE COMME DES GARCONS MAN dress pants, via YOOX. March 1, 2007Enough Already! I love Dove and have used it forever, but someone, anyone, please stop them from making these ads. Take two steps out your front door and you see this kinda thing in public ... everywhere you turn; no need to see it while you're trying to enjoy a magazine. Elastane and Costume National Homme - Like Sonny and Cher
------- Also In The Bag: Flight 001 (pronounced "Flight One") makes some well-made, stylish, cheap laptop bags. And when they go on sale it's a no-brainer: F-1 METRO AIRLINE, via Flight 001. $39.99 (on sale). ------- And I Ain't Done Yet: Now that this moose fucking hat is on sale, it's also In The Bag: Moose love wool hat, via Jack Spade. $45.50 (on sale). February 26, 2007I Had to Choke Down My Own Vomit ... All Night Long
------- Now here's something actually worth watching: Stabbing at Leia's 22nd Birthday February 23, 2007She likes my tone, my cologne, and the way I roll. (I don't even wear cologne, I just needed to say that.) ------- So Much For "The Long Tail"
Today the Times highlights the problems with "mag crews," those guys who come to your door trying to sell you magazines. Call me a fool ... OK, I'll call myself a fool ... but last summer a black guy with a strong rap and a pretty convincing hard-luck story talked me into a two-year subscription to Maxim (which I loathe but it was by far the cheapest option) and I'm *still* waiting for my first issue. -------
Look at the global navigation! We got it down to four ASCII text words. It's one of the most beautiful things we've ever done. I know it's 5 years late, but good on ya, mate for eventually getting it. February 19, 2007Yet another benefit of the Great Flood: finding dack.com original documents. I unearthed the original legal pad lists for the Bullshit Generator, made on Miami Beach in January 2000. There was still *sand* on this stuff. It's a microscopic piece of internet history ... kinda like Da Vinci's sketchbook, except for bullshit. ------- Critics Don't Matter
...when Ghost Rider gets fully fired up, his look doesn't so much say "hell's envoy" as "Duraflame" or maybe "sterno from my tenth grade French Club fondue night."February 15, 2007 We have a winner in the Little Miss Sunshine contest from earlier this week: Richard Warzecha.
I never planned on being a parent so this comment is slightly ironic, but I'm increasingly appalled by some parents' behavior at their kids' events. At swimming lessons, soccer games, and hockey practice, I see parents jabbering on cell phones, hammering away on Blackberries, listening to their IPod, reading books. Put that stuff down and pay attention to your kid! Last Saturday I sat next to a dad who had his head buried in the goddamn New York Times while his son was playing a soccer game only feet away. His kid was an awful soccer player with no athletic ability beyond burying his finger up his nose, but still. C'mon! February 13, 2007
------- Classic. Pace Says No Evidence Iran Arming Iraq. Fellas, get your story straight. February 12, 2007Little Miss Piece of Doggie Doo
Very early on my interest was flagging and it was a lot more fun figuring out where the characters were pilfered from by screenwriter Michael Arndt:
February 7, 2007 Worst Vacation Ever Just returned from a week in Sanibel, FL, and boy am I glad it's over:
To top it off, the best picture we got was of my 3 year-old's back, taken by my 5 year-old. Anyhow, now that I'm back home -- just like Ted Haggard -- I feel like Jesus is starting to put me back together. February 5, 2007The Brilliance of Mike Judge In Mike Judge's Idiocracy -- set 500 years into the future -- Starbucks turn into sex shops. We still have 499 years to go and already there's T&A being served with espresso in the Seattle suburbs. ------- Did anyone -- including even the most self-deluded Bears fan -- really think it was possible to win a Super Bowl with Rex Grossman as your quarterback? Didn't happen. Won't ever happen. ------- "Clusterfuck" is a kind word for what Iraq is turning out to be. Even the authors of Shrub's idiotic, Hail Mary escalation plan don't think it will work, and the war, besides killing a whole bunch of people, has created a massive refugee problem: As the fourth year of war nears its end, the Middle East's largest refugee crisis since the Palestinian exodus from Israel in 1948 is unfolding in a climate of fear, persecution and tragedy. By the way, the Washington Post's article yesterday about "No 'I Told-You-Sos'" on Iraq is complete bullshit. How can you have the insight and guts to stand up the to the stampede to war in Q1 2003 -- and let's be honest and remember it was a friggin' Running of the Bulls-style stampede -- take all sorts of abuse from self-proclaimed patriots and the 101st Keyboard Brigade, and not feel vindicated? February 2, 2007I realize I'm a day late (at least) on this, but RIP Molly Ivins, the smart, sassy Texan who coined the nickname "Shrub" for Shrub; more piercingly accurate than anything the Nicknamer-in-Chief has ever come up with (in a single syllable, too). (Hat tip: s0yb0mb) ------- 7 86-ed. I've thought 7 for all mankind has been on the outs for months, and now it's official, with their combining of out jeans with out skulls to make totally out skull jeans, which Neiman Marcus describes as having "this season's hip skull detail." Riiight. February 1, 2007Now I know why they call Ft. Myers "Heaven's Waiting Room." I think the woman who sat next to me on the plane might've actually been dead. January 31, 2007Too Much of an OK Thing? I've always been perplexed by Yahoo's use of dropdowns next to people's names in their news stories. Have you ever interacted with one of these for any other reason than curiosity? I thought so. And they hurt the hell out of readability. Which is more readable? vs. Libby, then Vice President
Dick Cheney's chief of staff, told the FBI and a grand jury that he thought he was hearing Valerie Plame's CIA job for the first time from
NBC's Tim Russert on July 10, 2003.
January 30, 2007
Winter Getaway Picked the perfect time to get the hell out of Dodge:
(Wondering yet again why we live here....) January 29, 2007
In lieu of actually attending the event (which got a sort of so-so review by the Strib), I spent $4.99 on a Madonna vs. JT mashup (Holiday Love) from Crooklyn Clan that'll make any floor move. January 26, 2007I may have spoken too soon on Smokin' Aces. From the man, A. O. Scott: Watching it is like being smacked in the face for a hundred minutes with a raw sirloin steak. By the end, there's blood everywhere, a bad smell lingering in the air, and vegetarianism -- or starvation or blindness -- starts to look like an attractive option.January 25, 2007 Add This One to the Watch List
Best consumed with pizza and lots of brewskis, Joe Carnahan's "Smokin' Aces" is shamelessly and unapologetically a guy movie. It's lewd, crude and loaded with shootouts and hot lesbo action. It's also made up of spare parts, as if Quentin Tarantino's pulp and Danny Boyle's "Trainspotting" cool were being welded by -- yikes! -- Guy Ritchie, swept away from the arduous duty of directing his Madonna wife and going bug-fuck like he did in "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels." The result is hardly original, or groundbreaking, or even necessary, but it sure as hell gets the job done. ------- January 24, 2007Coolest Graphic Kudos to the Times for demonstrating superior use of of Flash in their State of the Union Word Analyzer. I love how you can interact with bullshit, like this from Shrub's 2003 speech: From three Iraqi defectors we know that Iraq, in the late 1990s, had several biological weapons labs. These are designed to produce germ warfare agents, and can be moved from place to place to evade inspectors. Saddam Hussein has not disclosed these facilities. He has given no evidence that he destroyed them. Remember that shit? In hindsight, I'm just wondering... how the fuck did most Americans get conned into thinking invading Iraq was a good idea? Just check any jingoism and emotion at the door, think rationally, look at the facts, and you could see it was a crazy-ass stupid idea right from the get-go. ------- If dack.com Launched a Clothing Line It Would Look Like Theory In the Bag:
Theory stone canvas "Carson Trigger" jacket, via bluefly. $159.29. (This is a helluva deal for a very, very cool jacket. I own one and it's pure theory.) January 23, 2007And the Winner Is... Either:
------- Scant evidence found of Iran-Iraq arms linkJanuary 22, 2007 Shrub's popularity might be down, but his Extreme Schadenfreude value is way, way up. The president will use his speech [SOTU] to try to rally public opinion behind his troop deployment plan, but during the past 10 days he has made no headway in changing public opinion. The Post-ABC poll shows that 65 percent of Americans oppose sending more troops to Iraq, compared to 61 percent who opposed the plan when the president unveiled it Jan. 10 in a nationally televised address. Big bombing in Baghdad today and 27 Americans killed over the weekend ain't gonna help. January 18, 2007Children of Men
------- Again With the Skin Here's a still from the upcoming Blades of Glory trailer, starring Will Ferrell and Jon Heder as figure skaters who find a loophole to compete in pairs competition. I'm just wondering ... when was the last time a shirtless Will Ferrell was funny? Old School, maybe? January 15, 2007Welcome to Loserville, Population: Marty Schottenheimer Top 12 reasons Marty Schottenheimer will never, ever win the Big Game:
In the Bag: Navy Nylon Puffy Jacket With Raccoon Trim, via Barney's Co-Op. $149 (on sale). (No link because I got the last one. Ha!) ------- Shrub last night: We carefully considered these proposals. And we concluded that to step back now would force a collapse of the Iraqi government, tear the country apart, and result in mass killings on an unimaginable scale. Good thing that's not happening now! January 10, 2007Many thanks to Ben Edwards and Chuck Olson, who helped promote my latest short film, Cube Farm Samurai. It combines three of my favorite themes: (1) Poor etiquette, (2) rude assholes who deserve to have their heads removed, and (3) decapitation. Thanks to them it's been seen at youtube almost 6000 times, with some generally positive feedback. Here it is: Visit the YouTube detail page to rate or comment on it. January 8, 2007Sam Jackson tellin' it like it is: Samuel L. Jackson "Say 'Blogosphere' Again" t-shirt, via coolestshop. $35. ------- Say "painting schools" again! Is this some kind of motherfucking joke? For four years we've been hearing about painting schools in Iraq, and now the plan is to hire Iraqis to paint them some more? They might not have electricity, but these Iraqi schools must have 20 fucking coats of paint on them. January 5, 2007Finally Recovering From My Wii Injuries
------- January 4, 2007What a Joke!
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