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2007 Q4
November 9, 2007
6 Year-Old Needs Agent My oldest son is in kindergarten now, but before he graduated, his preschool built a new web site and put a certain blue-eyed boy on the home page: November 8, 2007Today on Magnificent Bastard * French President Nicolas Sarkozy wearing a cool lapel pin. Ain't Nothin' We Can Do About It. Part of the DNA! Too much eating, drinking drops Minnesota in health ratings ------- The explosion of embedded video players has lead to an explosion of incredibly weird, confusing, and downright shitty interfaces. It's a little like seeing the first web pages 12 years ago. Topping the badness list, in spite of the "Facts of Life" clip: Crackle: Boy that Kim Fields eventually grew some incredibly large breasts. Anyhow, taking the cake for worst Flash video player: Viddler. It just don't get uglier. American Hero: Lester Burnham I almost never get sick of watching American Beauty. One of my favorite quotes: Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go fuck himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost 60 thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus. And my favorite quote: Brad, for 14 years I've been a whore for the advertising industry. The only way I could save myself now is if I start firebombing.October 30, 2007 Two Straight Posts Mentioning Jason Kottke This time it's because my buddy Joel Turnipseed is the guest blogger for the whole week on kottke.org. Now I'll actually be reading it. ------- Today on Magnificent Bastard: * UPS Whiteboard Guy ------- So, So Happy I Have Two Sons: Preteens Trading Fairy Wands for FishnetsOctober 25, 2007 How to Make Jason Kottke Cry Keeping fractional widths on while using silkscreen. Barney's Co-Op: Traffic.com: October 24, 2007 Oh No, Don't Show That Angle Caught on a recent newscast: Kare 11's Randy Shaver doing the sports in jeans. October 22, 2007R.I.P. Max McGee In spite of the complete idiocy of a 75 year-old millionaire blowing leaves off his roof, Packer great Max McGee is the owner of the official dack.com quote: When it's third-and-10, you can take the milk drinkers, and I'll take the whiskey drinkers every time.October 18, 2007 Today on Magnificent Bastard Does HBO hate America, or just have a little style? You decide. October 16, 2007More Idiocracy Funny Now I've watched Idiocracy 7 or 8 times and it keeps getting better. There are lots of bits that take 7 or 8 views to pick up on. Above graphic taken after Not Sure gets arrested in the Costco. WANTED! ------- Brad Bird is the Man ![]() Easily the best movie I've seen in 2007. I usually fall asleep when I take my kids to animated movies. Not this time. Ratatouille is funny, touching, beautifully animated ... I loved it. Is it embarrassing to say I cried at one point? I don't care. This movie is that good. October 12, 2007 Them guys I do really like HBO's Inside the NFL. However, sometimes both Chris Carter and Dan Marino sound like flippin' tards. Chris and Dan breaking down this Sunday's big New England/Dallas game: Chris Carter: This is the first huge game that Romo has had since the playoff game. If he can play big in this game I think it erases some of them things we thought when they lost that game in Seattle. 3 seconds later, Dan Marino follows up: Dan Marino: New England don't make mistakes. Tom Brady just distributing the ball and how they play defense. Side note: Chris Collinsworth is the best analyst going right now. October 11, 2007King of California/Miami Separated at birth? Michael Douglas as the King of California and Phil from the most awesome show The King of Miami? October 9, 2007Today on Magnificent Bastard
See also: MNFTIU in the fucking house. October 5, 2007My Grandfather's Son
Chicken Soup for Development Teams
Have less [sic] meetings. And a great suggestion to go along with it: When setting up a meeting, make all attendees optional. Co-workers yo! You readin' this? I've got work to do. October 2, 2007One Proud Grandson On September 6, 1952 the Appleton Post-Crescent (Wisconsin) published an open letter to Sen. Joe McCarthy, opposing McCarthyism before opposing McCarthyism was cool. L. J. Ragus and Mrs. L. J. Ragus signed it. So flippin' cool. |
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